Monday, January 22, 2007

Workouts and Cold Ice

So, I just finished a week of some intense butt-kicking. Before the semester started, I signed up for an aerobics class (non-credit, open to public) offered by BYU. This of course to do some justice to the New Year's resolutions we all make, but never keep. For all of you who know me, I am not really an early bird, but I wake up at *gasp* 4:50 am to make it to my 6 am class. Now, there really is hope in this world. :) It is pretty intense, we do a combination of different aerobic routines such as kickboxing, dance, step, etc. and we also mix in circuit training, pilates, and weight training. I am pretty proud of myself. I also feel a lot happier and surprisingly, I have a lot more energy to deal with my other personal trainer, Maya. I would highly recommend doing some physical activity to all of my family and friends out there (baby, or not). Seriously, it really does wonders when you are active.

This past Saturday, Daniel got to go ice-fishing with a friend from work. They both headed out early Saturday and met at Utah lake to do some male-bonding over cold ice. Daniel is an avid fisherman, so when he heard that people were catching fish out there by the bucket fulls, he just couldn't contain himself. They spent the whole morning and early afternoon fishing for white bass (7am-2:30pm). He got some pictures, but when you have to use a camera that still requires you to go get the pics developed before you can even see them, it makes it really hard to get pics on our blog for you to see fast enough. Oh well, I will get them up at a later post. Daniel told me that the ice was 12in. thick and it was pretty cold out there on the lake. He caught an impresssive 13 1/4" white bass, unfortunately the fish were all fished out, cause that was it. A guy fishing by them gave Daniel the three that he caught, so Daniel came home with four great fish. Way to go, honey! We saved one for my fish-loving mom, and the other three we ate for dinner that night. It was great!

I think some explanations are in hand for the little comic and fish pics attached to this post. The comic comes from Toothpaste for Dinner a great online comic I found. I am going to try and add the link to our blog so you can check it out for yourself. They are all pretty clean, some comics can get a little crude, so watch out! Anyways, when I saw this comic it reminded me of how sensitive women get about their bodies. All I have to say is be glad that you are not grape-shaped. Ha! The fish, more specifically, a white bass, is not our own picture, I got it off the web so that you guys could see how cool and beautiful white bass are. The one with the osprey catching a white bass is on there because, well, it was cool.


Nancy said...

You go, girl! I gasp when I have to get out of bed at 6:30...I'm not quite sure how you're pulling off this 4:30 thing.

Shaillé said...

Amen to what Nancy said - way to go! Casey and I are going to start doing a morning exercise routine together before he leaves for school, but that only means I have to get up at 7:00 a.m.

Vickie said...

I am way impressed. There is no way I would have that motivation to get out of bed that early let alone to exercise. Keep it up. I need to be better at exercising for sure. I am glad that you liked my blog you will have to check it out because I put up some cute pictures of niece and nephews. They are a close tie as being as cute as Maya! Way to go!!!